The Station Allotments Association
We aim to support the great allotment tradition of quirky, unconventional growing of vegetables, fruit, and flowers.
We believe that allotment gardening should be environmentally and wild-life friendly and caring for the sustainability for our local community.
Who are we?

We are a community of about 100 plotters all trying our best to ‘Grow Our Own’ whilst battling the elements and the ever-present slugs and snails!
We grow a wide variety of vegetables and fruits and not forgetting flowers to brighten the days and encourage the bees.
We have 45 plots of different sizes, from full sized through to a quarter, most new people start with a half or quarter.

Getting a plot with us…
As with many other sites in Leeds, we have a waiting list for plots, but you can put your name down and we will contact you when you are next in turn. Our list is strictly managed in date of application order.
Occasionally there may be a choice between different plots available but most likely it will be whatever plot we have spare. You may be offered a quarter or a half plot, again it depends on what is available at the time.
The state of the plot offered is often very variable, some may have been tended well, but mostly they are overgrown, it depends on the circumstances of the person who has left the plot. We cannot guarantee what structures may be left on a plot when it comes up for letting but once you have paid your rent you will be responsible for anything left on it.
To go on our waiting list please email: lettingsatTSAA@gmail.com