Site Plan
This shows the plan of our site with the various plots marked out and numbered 1-45. You can click on the image to open in an new window.

Our Soil
As with most of Leeds the soil on our site can be very prone to clay, it runs in seams across the plots. It’s not all bad news there is a lot you can do. Add lots of good compost, use raised beds and do ‘lasagna bedding’, go ‘no-dig’. The link here to the RHS page on clay soils https://www.rhs.org.uk/soil-composts-mulches/clay-soils and also a link to ‘no-dig’ gardening with Charles Dowding https://charlesdowding.co.uk/start-here/
Because of the clay layer our site is prone to flooding in places and becomes very soggy and waterlogged. If you are suffering from water-logging on your plot please come and ask for advice.

The Sharing Shed
Most plotters are great at recycling and sharing and most plots have squirreled away piles of wood. We have the Sharing Shed up by the Queenswood Drive entrance where anything that is still reusable can be put for others to use. This can be anything from spare plant pots, wood, and old bits of hose pipe. It’s always worth a rummage in there to see what is available.
Dumping rubbish in the Sharing Shed or on any other area of the plot is not allowed and we can often remember who’s plot we have seen items on before! All rubbish and unwanted items must be removed from the site by the plot holder.
If you see a pile of pallets, manure or other wood that may have been delivered to the site do not take them. They may have been dropped off for the committee or specifically for someone’s plot. In the past, we have had items delivered and before the plot holder could get onto the site to move them they have been removed by someone else. Please be respectful to other members on the site with regard to deliveries. We will always try to retrieve items. Anything that is donated for communal sharing will be put into the Sharing Shed on a first come first served basis so it’s worth a regular check. If you are needing anything in particular you can put up a note in the shed with requests – just leave your name and plot number.

The wood chip that is delivered to the site is the only item free to anyone to take at any time. It is left for us by our friendly local tree surgeons and is a wonderful free resource for all of us. However, we do ask that it is not removed from the site.