Now is a good time to get your planting beds ready for early sowing in March. Add a layer of organic material or compost and cover, so the soil will stay weed free and warm up slightly. You can use flattened cardboard boxes to cover the soil with as well. Just weight them down though or they will blow away in the wind! There should still be some kale, leeks or cabbages sitting over the winter to harvest
It’s still too cold and wet to sow outside but its a good time to start off some seeds on a sunny warm windowsill in the house.
Peppers, both bell peppers and chilli peppers, need a long growing season so its worth starting the seeds off in February at home. They need warmth and light so a sunny window is best. I then plant out in the poly tunnel in May and I harvested the last batch in mid November.
Leeks also need a long growing season, though as the ground is still cold and wet they are better started in a poly tunnel or cold frame.
Start peas off in loo rolls, again in a poly tunnel or cold frame. This gives them the long root run they like and you can just plant out the whole thing and the loo roll will break down in the soil.
But don’t overdo it! It’s only February, and tempting though it is for us gardeners to get sowing it is still cold and wet!