How to secure a poly tunnel to the ground
Flying, crumpled poly tunnels are a common site on allotments! Here is one way to keep your poly anchored to the ground.
Click on the link to open the PDF – How to secure a Poly Tunnel

Most of us will start with a weedy plot of various degrees of weediness!!! This was Plot 6a in September 2016. It was covered in couch grass, bindweed, teasels, brambles, dandelions, and horsetail – to name but a few!! These are perennial which means they die down in winter and just lie there in the soil waiting for the warm weather to come back to haunt you. It is better to dig out these weeds removing as much root as possible as they can often keep on growing from tiny bits left in the ground.
Then there are lots of little annual seeding weeds which arrive each year but they are easier to get rid of by hoeing off regularly. We do not recommend widespread use of weedkillers on areas used for growing veg. They may look as though they have killed off your weeds but often they just come back.
Remember weeds are really successful plants which have got survival down to a fine art!